How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: 28.5 lbs. The dr. says I'm doing really well so I'm trying not to stress.
Maternity clothes? I've recently discovered maternity spanx. Pure genius, I tell you!
Sleep: More please!
Best moment this week: Annie's panic attack as we realized we pulled into a full service gas station.
Movement: I think our baby has stealth mode. I ended up going in to see the dr. this afternoon because I haven't been feeling much movement lately and I felt no movement last night or this morning. When I hopped (figuratively speaking, of course) on the table for the ultrasound, I suddenly started feeling kicks. At least they were able to reassure me that the baby is doing great and give me some pointers on encouraging movement.
Gender: We'll find out when he/she gets here.
Labor Signs: Nope. But Matthew kindly bought me a birth ball so I can get used to sitting on it before the Big Day.
Belly Button in or out? Still in. But it's starting to hurt as it's stretching out.
What I miss: Being able to get out of bed gracefully.
What I am looking forward to: My mum is coming on Thursday! And then on Saturday, 3 lovely ladies are throwing us a baby shower to celebrate this little one! Very excited for a fun party! The forecast is 74 degrees and sunny.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't wait until every dish in your house is dirty before doing the dishes. It turns into a huge mess.
Milestones: Mini is 2lbs 2oz and has eyelashes. I'm also officially in the third trimester!
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