How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: We'll see how my appointment goes tomorrow morning.
Sleep: It's getting harder to find a comfortable position. Matthew may be moving to the futon soon so that at least he can get some good sleep.
Movement: Yep. I get nervous when the baby has quiet days but I always get enough movement to pass the kick count test my doctor has me do. Ready for this baby to be born because then at least I can see that everything's okay.
Stretch Marks: Sunday morning I woke up thinking: "I'm uncomfortable but at least I don't have stretch marks." That night, as I was getting ready for church, Matthew noticed two tiny patches of stretch marks on the underside of my belly. His response: "At least they're symmetrical".
Belly Button: I never believed it would get flat. But it's progressively getting shallower and I think it might go flat before Mini gets here! Not shocking considering my waistline has gone from 26" to 44".
Best Moment this week: Snuggling with Matthew on Tuesday morning.
What I miss: Agility. My chiropractor is impressed at how well I move for a pregnant lady but I still feel like an oaf.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting with potential pediatricians.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't wait until the last minute to schedule pediatrician interviews. I thought I had all the time in the world and suddenly I'm three weeks from the due date and no pediatrician yet.
Milestones: Mini is now a full-term baby!
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