How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 34 pounds. Still lighter than Matthew. For now anyway.
Sleep: What is this thing called sleep?
Movement: Getting regular movement, although it's starting to decrease as Mini runs out of space.
Labor Signs: Some Braxton Hicks contractions.
Belly Button in or out? I'm pretty sure my belly button will never be an outie.
Best Moment this week: Setting up our tiny Christmas tree with Matthew and enjoying the lights he's set up in our living room. He's doing a great job making our house festive.
What I miss: Red wine.
What I am looking forward to: Having some time off! We just found out I will be home the week between Christmas and New Years because of financial difficulties at work. Then I come back for about 2 days and then it's pregnancy leave!
Weekly Wisdom: Caltech student health insurance is an even better deal than the free health insurance I get from work. Yay for saving some money on this delivery.
Milestones: We had our last childbirth class. We are now qualified to have a baby. :)
I think the baby comes even if we weren't qualified.